How Can You Look Like A Business Pro?
Ventures start from garages and then they go on to become multi-billion dollar firms that ooze out the professionalism and grabs clients left, right and center. There are certain things that make organization and the people who run them look professional. These are small nuances make the difference between a pro and a run-of-the-garage venture. Firms spend thousands of dollars to streamline their organization and to make clients feel that they are chosen correctly, but simply ignore these simple tricks to look like a business pro.
Read on, to know how you can look like a business pro and make your client know that they made the right choice.
Calling by the first name
You know Mr. Theodore Lawson since he was just a prospect and still, you call him by as Mr. Lawson! Well, it’s high time you get on the first name basis and warm up the conversation.
This also shows that among the hundreds of people you meet, you remembered Theo’s name. Theo who? Theodore Lawson. There are times when we forget
Being tech savvy
Use technology to your benefit. There are things that can be easily automated such as project management. Project management software allows you to share information with your team as well as with the client. Similarly, invoicing with your brand and logo when billing clients also help in looking professional; this can be done by incorporating your brand logo in the invoicing software.
Company website makes a big impression on first-time visitors; spend some time in getting it right. There are certain things that need to be considered while designing and finalizing the website:
Landing page – needs to give clear idea about you and your venture.
FAQs – think of all the basic things a layman will ask you about your company and then select the most relevant ones and answer them.
Graphics – any kind of media when used on the website has to be of good quality to ensure that it is readable on all kind of devices.
You know your target audience and how they access your website; make sure you consider these points while designing your company website
Client communication
Allow your clients to get in touch with you directly via email or call – as you feel is the best.
In case of email, set an autoresponder letting your clients know you will be in touch soon and in case you are unavailable the next person to contact. If you are assigning it to someone else, ensure that the next person proactively contacts the clients. This makes clients feel valued by your firm.
Client Interaction
Getting a client to sign on the dotted lines is just the preamble; afterward, it is about getting client onboard and delivering on the expectations that were promised during the initial agreement. As a professional, you can do the following to ensure that client is on board smoothly.
- Welcome kit – a customized 2-3 page PDF document that helps the client to understand the timeline of events. This can also include a checklist that client uses to ensure smooth document transfer. Finally, name and number of the persons directly responsible for the project.
- Intake Process – you told the client what to do but what about you? If the client is coming from a previous service provider or this is their first time, there are lots of things to take care. The Prudent way would be to ask your team to prepare for the process and brainstorm into thinking about the initial pitfalls that might occur and how to overcome them.
People want to feel valued. Clients similarly need to feel valued and a part of it is being a pro at what you do. Technology can surely help you in making things easy for your client, your team and yourself. Nonetheless, at the end are you ready to invest in technology is the million dollar question.