Company Details
Morinda is a health and wellness multi-level marketing company. The company headquarters are located in Utah and also has different offices all around the world. The global revenue generated of Morinda is close to $450 million annually. Morinda has 700 employees all around the world with 350 in the United States only. The company has factories in China, Germany, Japan, Tahiti and the USA. Overall, the company has been in the marketplace for more than 15 years and has a strong history as it revolves around consumer based product.
The company was started in 1993 when vast health benefits of Noni Fruit was discovered by Morinda’ s original food scientists. The journey which was started in 1993 has successfully completed 20 years of its progressive growth in 2016 and is still going strong.
In 1996, Morinda introduced Tahitian Noni Juice that marked the presence of multi-million dollar industry in health supplement industry.